What is …


Cloudflare is a web performance and security company that provides online infrastructure services to websites. It offers services to protect and accelerate any website online.

Cloudflare Workers is a serverless execution environment that allows you to create entirely new applications or augment existing ones without configuring or maintaining infrastructure. This service enables you to run JavaScript in Cloudflare's data centers, closer to your users.


Hono is a scalable and flexible framework that provides unified access to the telemetry and event data from a large number of IoT devices. It streamlines the process of collecting and organizing data from different devices, making it easier to analyze and gain insights from this information.

Initialize Cloudflare Project.

  1. Create and login to your cloudflare account.
  2. Setup two-factor authentication (optional)
  3. Open your terminal start typing below commands!

<aside> 💡 After running below command to initialize cloudflare project, you will be asked several questions regarding the type of project you want to setup. Please follow instructions mentioned below this screenshot.


>> npm create cloudflare@latest 


⏳ step 1 of 3

⏳ step 2 of 3

**⏳ step 3 of 3


Cloudflare login

Now let’s login to your cloudflare account. Run below commands.

>> cd booksandauthors # enter into your project
>> npx wrangler login

Check if you’re successfully logged in. Also know CloudFlare details/permissions allowed to you locally. (optional)

>> npx wrangler whoami
